CEWS R20 Syllabus

I Year - I Semester                               L    T    P    C

                                                                1    0    4     3


Course Objectives:

Skills and knowledge provided by this subject are the following:

 PC Hardware: Identification of basic peripherals, Assembling a PC, Installation of system

software like MS Windows, device drivers, etc. Troubleshooting of PC Hardware and Software


 Internet & World Wide Web: Different ways of hooking the PC on to the internet from home and

workplace and effectively usage of the internet, web browsers, email, newsgroups and discussion

forums. Awareness of cyber hygiene (protecting the personal computer from getting infected with

the viruses), worms and other cyber attacks.

 Productivity Tools: Understanding and practical approach of professional word documents, excel

spread sheets, power point presentations and personal web sites using the Microsoft suite office


Course Outcomes:

By the end of the course student will be able to

 Identify, assemble and update the components of a computer

 Configure, evaluate and select hardware platforms for the implementation and execution of

computer applications, services and systems

 Make use of tools for converting pdf to word and vice versa

 Develop presentation, documents and small applications using productivity tools such as word

processor, presentation tools, spreadsheets, HTML, LaTex

List of Exercises:

Note: Faculty to consolidate the workshop manuals using the textbook and references

Task 1: Identification of the peripherals of a computer - Prepare a report containing the block

diagram of the computer along with the configuration of each component and its functionality. Describe

about various I/O Devices and its usage.

Task 2: Practicing disassembling and assembling components of a PC

Task 3: Installation of Device Drivers, MS Windows, Linux Operating systems and Disk Partitioning,

dual boating with Windows and Linux

Task 4: Introduction to Memory and Storage Devices, I/O Port, Assemblers, Compilers, Interpreters,

Linkers and Loaders.

Task 5: Demonstration of Hardware and Software Troubleshooting

Task 6: Demonstrating Importance of Networking, Transmission Media, Networking Devices-

Gateway, Routers, Hub, Bridge, NIC, Bluetooth Technology, Wireless Technology, Modem, DSL, and

Dial Up Connection.

Task 7: Surfing the Web using Web Browsers, Awareness of various threats on the Internet and its

solutions, Search engines and usage of various search engines, Need of anti-virus, Installation of antivirus, configuring personal firewall and windows update.

(Students should get connected to their Local Area Network and access the Internet. In the process they

should configure the TCP/IP setting and demonstrate how to access the websites and email. Students

customize their web browsers using bookmarks, search toolbars and pop up blockers)

Productivity Tools:

Task 8: Basic HTML tags, Introduction to HTML5 and its tags, Introduction to CSS3 and its

properties. Preparation of a simple website/ homepage,

Assignment: Develop your home page using HTML Consisting of your photo, name, address and

education details as a table and your skill set as a list.

Features to be covered:- Layouts, Inserting text objects, Editing text objects, Inserting Tables, Working

with menu objects, Inserting pages, Hyper linking, Renaming, deleting, modifying pages, etc.,

Task 9: Demonstration and Practice of various features of Microsoft Word

Assignment: 1. Create a project certificate.

2. Creating a news letter

Features to be covered:-Formatting Fonts, Paragraphs, Text effects, Spacing, Borders and Colors,

Header and Footer, Date and Time option, tables, Images, Bullets and Numbering, Table of Content,

Newspaper columns, Drawing toolbar and Word Art and Mail Merge in word etc.,

Task 10: Demonstration and Practice of various features Microsoft Excel

Assignment: 1. Creating a scheduler

2. Calculating GPA

3. Calculating Total, average of marks in various subjects and ranks of students

based on marks

Features to be covered:- Format Cells, Summation, auto fill,

Formatting Text, Cell Referencing, Formulae in excel, Charts, Renaming and Inserting worksheets,


Task 11: Demonstration and Practice of various features Microsoft Power Point

Features to be covered:- Slide Layouts, Inserting Text, Word Art, Formatting Text, Bullets and

Numbering, Auto Shapes, Hyperlinks Tables and Charts, Master Layouts, Types of views, Inserting –

Background, textures, Design Templates, etc.,

Task 12: Demonstration and Practice of various features LaTeX – document preparation, presentation

(Features covered in Task 9 and Task 11 need to be explored in LaTex)

Task 13: Tools for converting word to pdf and pdf to word

Task 14: Internet of Things (IoT): IoT fundamentals, applications, protocols, communication models,

architecture, IoT devices

Reference Books:

1. Computer Fundamentals, Anita Goel, Pearson India Education, 2017

2. PC Hardware Trouble Shooting Made Easy, TMH

3. Introduction to Information Technology, ITL Education Solutions Limited, 2nd Edition, Perason,


4. Upgrading and Repairing PCs, 18th Edition, Scott Mueller, QUE, Pearson, 2008

5. LaTeX Companion – Leslie Lamport, PHI/Pearson


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