
AIM: Surfing the Web using Web Browsers, Awareness of various threats on the Internet and its solutions, Search engines and usage of various search engines, Need of anti-virus, Installation of anti-virus, configuring personal firewall and windows update

Software Requirement: Local Area Network to access the Internet

     Hardware Requirement: Personal computer


Web browsers:

A web browser (commonly referred to as a browser) is a software application for accessing information on the World Wide Web. Web browser provides the means to the searching and also helps to download the web content.

Web browsers support most of the famous Internet Protocols like HTTP, FTP.

Common file formats a browser accepts are HTML.

Well known browsers natively support a variety of other formats ii n addition to HTML such as  JPEG, PNG, and GIF image formats

Different web browsers available in the market are:

Book mark: i) Silver smith ii) Mosaic iii) Netscape iv) Mozilla v) Opera

vi) Lynx vii) Safari viii) Google Chrome  ix) Fire fox.

The three most popular browsers are Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. The purpose of a web browser is to fetch information resources from the Web and display them on a user's device.

The process begins when the user inputs a Uniform Resource Locator(URL) such as https://en.wikipedia.org/ into a browser. Virtually all URLs on  the  Web  start  whether http: or https: which means the browser will retrieve them with  the Hypertext Transfer Protocol. In the case of https: , the communication between the browser and the web server is encrypted for the

purposes of security and privacy. Another URL  prefix  is File: which  is  used  to  display local files already stored on the user's device.

Pop-up Blockers:

Pop-ups are a form of online advertising on the WWW intended to attract the attention of the users. These pop ups are hosted on the web sites which are frequently visited by the net users. These pop ups are activated when these websites open a new web browser window and there by displaying the advertisements.


Antivirus software is a program that either comes installed on your computer or that you purchase and install yourself. It protects your computer against most viruses, worms, Trojan horses and other unwanted invaders that can make your computer sick.


A firewall is a special software or hardware designed to protect a private computer network from unauthorized  access . A firewall is a set of related programs located at a network gateway server which protects the resources of the private network from users from other networks.

Email creation and usage

Follow the steps below to create email account at gmail.com for free:

  • Click on the Free Sign Up Button

  • Enter all mandatory fields (First Name, Last Name, Gender, etc.)

  • Type in its desired Email Address out of our huge selection of 200 available domains (e.g. biker.com, accountant.com, chef.net, etc.)

  • Choose a secure Password (at least 8 characters, mixing letters, numbers, lower and upper case, and using special characters)

  • Select its Security Question, type in its Answer

  • Verify its registration by typing the numbers in the captcha picture

  • Click the "Accept" - Button underneath

  1. Visit the Gmail website. Gmail is Google Mail, and it will need a Google account to access . Signing up for a Google account is free.

  2. Click the “Create an Account” button. This will open the “Create a new Google Account” page. Here    it will need to enter its personal information.

    • Make sure to enter its real first and last name if it are using the email address to correspond with  people it know or  businesses. The name will appear in emails that it send.

    • Enter a username that it will remember. Its username is its email address. Make sure that is appropriate if it are going to be giving to people who might take offense.

    • Create a good password. Make sure that is strong but easy to remember so that it won’t have problems re entering .

  3. Enter the Captcha and agree to the Terms of Service. The Captcha is what the system uses to make sure that it are an actual person and not an automated program.

  4. Click Next Step to continue. It will be taken to the “Create itr profile” page. This page is the basic starting point for itr Google profile. If it don’t want to create one, move on to the next step. It will still have a profile, but will only be itr name.

5.Log in to email. Vis the Gmail page to log in with its new username and password. It will be taken to the Gmail interface.


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