TASK1: Identification of the peripherals of a computer - Prepare a report containing the block diagram of the computer along with the configuration of each component and its functionality. Describe about various I/O Devices and its usage.

Computer:computer is a machine that accepts data as input, processes that data using programs, and outputs the processed data as information. Many computers can store and retrieve information using hard drives. Computers can be connected together to form networks, allowing connected computers to communicate with each other.

Software Requirement: No Software Required.

Hardware Requirement: Desired Configuration for the above task is

  • System unit

  • CPU

  • Mother Board

  • FDD

  • CDROM Drive

  • HDD

  • Ethernet Card

  • Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse & Speakers

Safety Precautions:

1. Beware of electro static discharge (ESO)

2. Build computer on a hard surface, away from concepts.

3. Wear shoes and the short sleeved cotton wear.

4. Use Phillips, head screw driver.

5. Keep the components away from moisture.

6. Avoid using pressure while installing.


Peripherals of a computer:

  1. Cabinet:

    • It is used to install all hardware devices like(mother board, SMPS, HDD, CD Rom, FDD)

    • It has Start, Restart Button, Led’s, Audio and USB Connecters are available at front side.

  2. Monitor:

    • Monitor of a computer is like a television screen.

    • It displays text characters and graphics in colours or in shades of grey.

    • The monitor is also called as screen or display or CRT (cathode ray tube). In the monitor the screen will be displayed in pixels format

  1. Key Board:

  • Keyboard is like a type writer, which contains keys to feed the data or information into the computer

  • Keyboards are available in two modules. These are

    • Standard keyboard with 83-88keys

    • Enhanced key board with  104 keys or above

  1. Mouse:

    • Every mouse has one primary button (left button) and one secondary button(right button).

    • The primary button is used to carry out most tasks, where as secondary button is used in special cases you can select commands and options

  1. Printer:

    • A device that prints images (numbers, alphabets, graphs etc…) on paper is known as Printer.

    • We have different types of printers to take printouts. These are as follows:

  1. Dot matrix printer ii. Ink jet printer


  1. Speakers:

  • Speakers make your system much more delightful to seen you while you are working on computer

  1. Scanner: Scanner used to scan images and text.


8. System board/Motherboard

  • This is the major part of the PC hardware.

  • It manages all transactions of data between CPU peripherals.

  • Which holds the Processor, Random Access Memory and other parts, & has slots for expansion cards.

  • It is rectangle shape.


  1. Socket478:

It use 478 – PIN MICROPGA package it is used installing CPU .It is square type design.

  1. CPU

  • The central processing unit contains the heart of any computer, the processor. The processor is fitted on to a Mother Board. The Mother Board contains various components, which support the functioning of a PC.

  • It is brain of the computer

  • It is square shape

  1. Ram Slots:

  • Ram slots are used to install the rams

  • It is large rectangle shape and each ending has small clips.

  • There two types ram slots

  • SD Ram ----------Two Gaps (synchronous DRAM) is a generic name for various kinds of dynamic random access memory (DRAM) that are synchronized with the clock speed that the microprocessor is optimized for. This tends to increase the number of instructions that the processor can perform in a given time.

  • DDR Ram One Gap(Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM:A clock is used to read data from

a DRAM. DDR memory reads data on both the rising and falling edge of the clock, achieving a faster data rate.)

  1. North Bridge:

  • It is also called as controller

  • It is nearby socket 478

  • It placed middle of the mother board and

    It converts electronic signals to binary values and binary values to electronic signals

  1. South Bridge:

  • It is controls major components mother board and it back bone of the input output devices.

  • It is communicates PCI slots, IDE-1, IDE-2, floppy connecter, BIOS chip.

  • It nearby CMOS battery

  1. CMOS Battery:

  • Computer is using a coin shape battery

  • It generates the clock signal and it manage system continues time.

  1. Primary & Secondary (IDE-1&IDE-2):

    • It is also called as IDE-1, IDE-2.

    • It used to connecting Hard Disk Drive, CD ROM, DVD ROM.

  1. Input& Output ports:

  • IO ports are used to connecting IO device such as keyboards, mouse, monitor, printer, scanner, speakers etc...

  1. AGP Slot & AGP Card:

  • AGP Slot is used install the AGP card.

  • AGP back view same as VGA port (15-femalepins) and used to connecting the monitor’s. This slot is above PCI slots and its colour is Black or Brown

  1. CI Slots & PCI (Expansion)Cards:

  • PCI slots are used to install the PCI cards such as

  1. LAN(Ethernet)Card---Back view Ethernet port

  1. Sound Card-Back view Audio pin connectors)

  2. TV Tuner(Internal) Card-Dish Pin connecter

  3. PCI Slots are white or yellow colour

  4. PCI Card has Single gap only

  1. BIOS Chip:

    • BIOS controls how the operating system and hardware work together

    • BIOS identification is BIOS name is available on chip or motherboard

  1. ATX Power connecter:

  • ATX power connecter is used to connect ATX power plug(This is from SMPS)

  • It is white colour and it has ATX Name is available on Mother Board

  • ATX Power connecter has 20/24 pins available.

  • Typical ATX 1.3 power supply. From left to right ,the connectors are 20-pin mother board,4-pin"P4connector", fan RPM monitor (note the lack of a power wire), SATA power connector (black),"Mole x connector"  and floppy connector.

  1. Floppy connecter:

  • Floppy connecter is used to connect Floppy Disk Drive.

  • This is beside of ATX power connecter and Name FDD is available on the mother board.

                                                                                                    Bus Cables or Data cables:

  • A Bus is a collection device cables are two types 

  • IDE cable: it used to connect HDD,CD ROM, DVD ROM

  •      FDD cable: it used to connect FDD(braking or manufacture defecting) of wires through which data is transmitted from one device to another

Hard Disk Drive:

The hard disk drive is the main, and usually largest, data storage device in a computer

  • The operating system, software titles and most other files are stored in the hard disk drive

  • Identifications is the panel name is Hard Disk dive

  1. CD ROM Drive & CD-Writer:

  • CD-Rom (Compact Disk Read only Memory) Drive is a device that reads the information from Compact Disks (CD).

  • CD-Writer is used to write the data into Compact Disks.

  • Identification is the panel name is CD Writer

  1. Floppy Disk Drive:

  • The floppy disk drive is used to read the information stored in floppy disks.

  • Floppy disks also called as a diskette.

  • Identification is smaller than CD Writer.

  1. SMPS:

  • SMPS is used to supply the power to Mother Board HDD,CD ROM,FDD

  • In SMPS holds a transformer , voltage control and fan

  • Identification is the rectangular box shape and panel name is switching mode power supply.


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